

  • P.O. Box 626, Igoli, Ogoja, Cross River State, Nigeria.

St Catherine Ogoja over the years has not just excelled in academics per say, it has been known for incurcating societal morals in her students whose outstanding products attest to. Aside that fact, St. Catherine has developed its school environment a truly learning environment that is serene, peaceful and well managed. Moreso, our staff strength which is our pillar has always been second to none. We have carefully assembled like-minds who are good at what they did and are passionate in giving same to their students. It will trully be an experience for you to bring your child/ward to St. Catherine.

We have carefully assembled like-minds who are good at what they did and are passionate in giving same to their students. It will trully be an experience for you to bring your child/ward to St. Catherine.

Contact the PrincipalYou can get in-touch with the Principal here